Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So another month has gone by since my last post. I gotta work on that. We have been pretty busy around here.
A couple of kids got older on me...

So we had a small pary.....

With cake of course...

And presents that they were really hoping for....

At the end of the month we get to do it again with this little one...

I have also been doing some sewing. I found two of these ugly peach pillows at the reuzit shop. I was able to recover them using fabric I also found at the reuzit shop.

I also made a fabric cube and a crate cover. I liked how they both turned out for the most part. I hope to make more to help organize things around here.


Teresa said...

What a nice post. I still can't believe how quickly the children are growing. (Mine just turned 22 on Feb. 15!) I love your sewing projects - nice work on the pillows and the cube & crate cover. I saw them in person, so an attest to what a great job you did. I have a crate that needs to be covered, so I'll have to have you show me how to make a cover of my own. :-)

Parmer Clan said...

Those pillows are ADORABLE!!! You are really going to town..I think SEWSERIOUS has inspired you!! I still want to see all the presents you gave out!! Make your mom model the PJs.