Saturday, April 18, 2009

Catch up

Turning Two
Our little one turned two as I mentioned before. Here are some shots from our family celebration. She wore a tutu I found here. It came together pretty quickly...especially since it was a no sew. Next time I would either come up with some type of lining or I would choose really dark colors for the toule so it wasnt quite so see through. Since I was still putting it together at midnight the night before I ran out of time to make a liner. I went with a flower/lollipop theme this year so her outfit reminded me of that. A little over the top I guess.

The decorations came together pretty easily. I used the garland I made for the girls last year and made a new birthday banner. I had some leftover cupcake fabric to use up and I thought this would be a perfect way. It turns out that I like the back much better than the front. At least there is something to look at whether you are in the living room or dining room.

The large lollipops I happened upon at walmart. I thought they would make great flowers/ centerpiece.

The cupcakes were an idea I got from Martha. As it turns out the type of lollipop she used is impossible to find. Who knew? We improvised. I think they turned out ok in the end. Of course her's are much cuter.

As for her gift from us....well I will save that for another time. The amount of energy that it took makes it worthy of it's own post.
But this girl.....

oh how we love her. As much as we can't believe it she is clearly telling us that she is in fact Two.

This year was pretty laid back. Here are some pictures from the day.

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