Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So our kids have been saying funny things lately. Well two out of three have been saying funny things....number three is just plain funny..see what I mean. back to the point.
A couple of weeks ago my husband was reading to the kids. The story mentioned bows and arrows. Being the excellent father that he is he went all the way up to the attic and brought down a case to show them first hand a bow and arrow. The case was huge and actually ended up containing other war like items like a tomahawk. They of course were in awe. Studying everything carefully. Since then the case has remained in our bedroom.
Well this past weekend my dear friend Erica and I did something totally crazy (since both of our husbands were away),we had a sleepover. It has been years and was just like the old days, except with the having four kids part. So she was getting her son ready for bed in a pack-n-play in our room. She needed to plug something in and a handy outlet was just behind the case. As I was moving it out the way S had to comment..."oh yeah that's my Dad's killing stuff."

This is the same boy who over the summer held up a candy apple kit (with the bright red apple picture), the kind in the produce section and said "hey Mom can we get some of these poisoned apples?"

A month or so ago we had friends over for a meal. Later the kids were enjoying popsicles. I look over and see G laying and trying to eat hers. I simply state that laying and eating is not a good idea. She sweetly replies so matter of factly..."but I am tired and hungry." Of course what was I thinking.

So this brings me to today. I was getting the play doh out for the kids to play with. I don't mind if they mix the colors up but today I got the dentist set out. I was explaining to them that should keep the white seperate for the dentist set. S says,"oh I know why Mom because teeth are white." Your right I tell him. G quickly responds,"no they are not Mom, they are yours..see"


Parmer Clan said...

Tact is lost on children, huh? I love when Gabe asks me, "Are you going to eat ALL of that Mommy?" Brooklyn chimes in, "You might get a bellyache." Hmmm......
PS Love S's haircut.
PSS Speaking of dentist, you may want to bring H. to one since her teeth seem a bit "overgrown"!!!!

Parmer Clan said...

Oh, one more...when Brooklyn was inspecting my mom's hair she was saying..."Why is your hair white on top but black on the bottom?" My mom said, "I guess that's how God wants my hair to be right now." Brooklyn replies, "Oh, he must have run out of white and finished with the black." So funny!