Monday, September 29, 2008

Baby parade

This year we had a really hard time coming up with an idea that fit. It took us forever to decide which one was right. We thought this would be classic yet not as time consuming as some of the other's we were considering. Although I loved the idea we were way off with the amount of time. It took me forever as the majority of the costumes were sewn. In the end it was worth it.

As an added bonus we ended up getting first place in our category as well as first place most original out of everyone. That was a surprise. I wish I had pictures of some of the other entries. These people really go all out. It was fun but I am glad it is over!


Lora Lynn @ Vitafamiliae said...

Have mercy, that turkey is cute! So are the others. I am very impressed with your sewing prowess! Thanks for stopping by and it's very nice to meet you!

Anonymous said...

that is hilarious. jeff and i are cracking up. congrats on your big win!

Alivia's Momma said...

H looks so adorable. I laughed so hard. I knew what it was going to look like but the picture was way better than the one in my head. Too cute. You are such a great mom!

jmurphy75 said...

I literally "stumbled" across your blog today - was on another blog that you commented on and I was propelled to check out your blog.

I must say...the cheeks on "H" (I saw her real name on the "Stickers" blog - such a gorgeous name, BTW!) are simply beyond description! She is really too cute for words.

Your older children are gorgeous as well - what a beautiful family! Not sure which is S and which is G, but the individual pics of them - your daughter with the bushel of veggies and your son in the Sepia shot - are of truly beautiful kids who don't seem to mind that Mommy has been dressing them up for quite some time, or so it appears anyway! HA!

These costumes are really fabulous - the turkey on the platter is really unique, too!

The one that cracked me up though was the last one (where H's cheeks are highlighted best) cuts off the costume at just the right place that it looks like you have a old-fashioned bra that has been stuffed, on your toddler! HAHAHAHA!! It literally made me laugh out loud :-)

You seem like a great mom - it's so nice to see Moms sharing experiences with other moms.

Mrs. S said...

JMURPHY- Thanks for stopping by and your kinds words. Please come again! Oh and S is my son...G is my daughter.