Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Local finds

Here are some of the latest treasures I was able to find thirifting. The best part is these were all in walking distance from our home. I love being so close to main street. I was able to find two pyrex containers and these tiny juice glasses. I am not sure if they are really old or not. The glass seems pretty thin and the etching was unique. So I told myself they were vintage too. The background is an apron I found earlier this summer. The material doesn't seem as old to me as the style of the apron itself. I guess I should have included a picture of that as well.


I thought this croc was swell. I love the color and the shape of the handles. It reminds me of Fiesta but alas it is not.


I love this bowl. I wish I knew more about it. They wavy divider is the best. Even G said..."hey Mom I know we can have potatoes on this side and corn on the other." So true. The funny thing is we never usually have either of those for dinner. It does however work wonderful for chips with salsa and cheese as dipping options. In case you were wondering.


Another pyrex...because well you can never have too many serving bowls....right?
I realize most people are thinking why am I wasting my time looking at this right now. But maybe...maybe there is just someone out there in blogworld that gets the same "oh my word I can't believe my eyes" feeling as I do. If so....I'd love to go thrifting sometime.

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1 comment:

Parmer Clan said...

When I am up and about, we are hitting the streets thrifting!!